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'sharpen your knives'
RestAurant editIOn
4am dAIly marketing

neapolitAn brick OVEN
the TOols
tradiTIonal breAkfast

hor d'oeuvRES
and cAnapes
swiSs farmeR chEeSe
paired with a
2017 cHATeau nAthaN
the naTHAN hotDOG

korean bBQ

the dEsSerts
gelato 'sAndwich'
cremE esprEsSo
locaL rOasted CofFeEs

to reliEVe thE shOck of a jAw droPping bilL

serEnade thE guestS During dinNer
la cuCarAcha....
lA CUcARaCHA....

ANd ofFer an ENGlish candy As they lEave

chantilLy CreME sTrAwbErRy laYer cake

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